Member-only story
Asperger’s or Autism
Learning more about it
Asperger’s is trending on Twitter, of course it is, Elon said he has it. So now we all have to know about it. Which is a good thing, because we should know. This syndrome or disorder is affecting an increasing number of people.
As always, I clicked on the trending topic and read a bunch of posts. Most of the posts were about how Asperger’s is no longer the right word for it, highlighting how Asperger was a Nazi who killed children.
But a few posts caught my eye. The first one was a list of ‘signs’ that you might have the condition.
Using myself as a lab rat I can say that I have repetitive tenancies. It’s just small things, but I always thought it’s because I am not great with change, yet we live in an ever-changing world. So having these little things that remain the same, and fighting to keep them the same, makes me feel like I have something to depend on, something to cling to.
Furthermore, I thought this might be connected to my ‘daddy issues’ — I’ve never had a father I could depend on, and a girl needs something or someone she can depend on. So I thought my dislike of change is connected to that…